In any year 20% of the Aussie population will be suffering from a mental health issue

Because mental health issues affect 20% of the population in any one year, businesses annually lose over 6 million working days. As well as this, mental health conditions can be debilitating for sufferers. It takes a huge toll on family and work life. However, early intervention can help prevent the condition from worsening.

Raising Awareness

Raising awareness of mental health issues helps to remove stigmas. It helps foster an open and supportive environment where people feel more at ease talking about their problems. Most people in the workplace simply would not know how to approach a person to ask about mental wellbeing or what they could do to help. Our courses will give you all the skills and confidence you need to step in to support colleagues or loved ones.

Making a Real Difference in People’s Lives

MHFA is an international workplace program with proven results. So investing in MHFA training pays dividends for both the employer and the employee. Our accredited MHFA courses not only help you spot the symptoms of mental health issues but give you the skills you need to help people through real-life issues. Sometimes a simple conversation showing that you care can make a real difference. We’ll teach you how to ask the tough questions and show you how to gently support and encourage a person to get the professional help they need.